Motorcycle Racing Forum

Motorcycle Talk => Wrenching => Topic started by: bedlamWerks on May 30, 2013, 07:12:05 PM

Title: Radiator dimension Specs Master Compendium project...assistance needed
Post by: bedlamWerks on May 30, 2013, 07:12:05 PM
So I've been searching forums all day for the radiator dimensions on various year models of the Suzuki sv650, and have had very little luck, but found quite a few people searching for the same info, so I thought I'd try a different tactic.  I am now going to try to make a master list of radiator specs.  That way it will be here,  and i will put a copy in the blog on my website ( as a backup, in hopes that it will aid others as a useful reference tool.  I would greatly appreciate any help that ya'll can give me.  If you would like to contribute, please post the make model and year  and list the overall dimensions W x H x D of the stock radiator of any bikes you have access to.

And for my personal benifit, anyone that can provide me with the varyious year model and dimensions of [size=78%] the [/size][/size][size=78%]Suzuki sv650 Yuo will be a huge help to my project.[/size]