Well, the weather turned out great... The turnout didn't turn out so great.
I heard Melka took a spill.... Any update?
i'm good Gino. Slow speed crash in turn 8, oddly enough it was the hardest hit on the ground i have had. brain is fine, collar bone is not displaced but fractured.. may get it plated, find out Wed.
Turn out wasn't too bad really. Not like February, but not that bad really. And yes, the weather was amazing. sad my day got cut short in my 3rd race.
Sorry to hear of your Clavicle Greg, be sure and get that second opinion, had mine plated then plate removed a year later in 03, strength came back at only 60% max, long story short.
no surgery, be back for the next round june 21 :)
Heady company in this piece. Had my first CCS race Sunday, got tangled up in a 3 bike crash in T6. Still loved the hell out of the weekend and can't wait to go back. Thanks to everyone for being so accommodating.
Crunched up the throttle hand pretty good, but nothing broken, should be good to go.
Good news on both counts.
I went down in T8 the race before yours. Also low speed as I was hard on the brakes but I too went down HARD. Clavicle broken in two places. I am also opting out of surgery. See you in June!
BTW, they rolled you into the medical center as I was being released. You looked dazed and confused. Glad you are doing OK.
Quote from: jaracin on May 13, 2014, 11:50:51 AM
I went down in T8 the race before yours. Also low speed as I was hard on the brakes but I too went down HARD. Clavicle broken in two places. I am also opting out of surgery. See you in June!
BTW, they rolled you into the medical center as I was being released. You looked dazed and confused. Glad you are doing OK.
it was my first concussion.. or at least having taken a hard enough hit on the head to go "lights out". Saw stars a few times but never OUT out. Yea, i wasn't totally right till later that night. No headache and scan was fine.
My collar bone is hopefully gonna heal fast. I find the sling more irritating that just keeping my arm still and using my trap muscles to hold it reasonably in place, and the bones were not displaced. had they been, i think i would have put more pressure on my doc to plate it .
Will have to compare bumps if there are any.. in June. right now my entire left side of my chest and top of trap is a nice shade of blue. LOL