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LP Sport Rider Day using OUR practice ???!!!

Started by, January 27, 2003, 06:46:07 AM

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I hate to sound pissed,  or out of place, but can someone explain why the LP Sport Rider Day is using our Sat Feb 1 track time at Streets of Willow?! >:(

Is there something wrong with Friday? Or Monday?

I really don't appreciate driving 8 hrs for a race weekend and taking two days off of work to sit around and watch non-licensed racers have a practice day on our time.  

Honestly...I am really a nice guy...but this seems inappropriate!


Yeah, that schedule looks really busy & tight with the Saturday practice in there.  I'm hoping it's not going to be this way for the majority of the dates.  Let us (the folks not going) know how it goes this weekend.

Good Luck!


Here's some even better questions:  How much would we have to pay for the LP trackday to get those extra two sessions of practice in the afternnon?  Full price?

Has CCS or LP considered the liabilty of having licensed racers trying to practice while running the typical track day obstacle course of bobbing and weaving riders of various skill levels?

How are they planning to run four groups, two sessions each in the afternoon practice in the span of an hour?  That works out to 7 1/2 mninutes per session with no time allowed for getting the groups on and off the track.  So figure five minutes per session, that's what, 3 laps?  And I've got to pay how much for that fine priveledge?

So, I guess we hope for a perfect Sunday with no crashes, no clean-up, no mechanicals, no red flags, no re-starts or no timing/scoring issues?

I hope we get refunds if they have to cut races...

Eric Kelcher

hmm? 9 sessions over 2+ hours (12-2:30) seems like more than 5 minutes each seems more like 15 minutes each session.
Normal is three sessions of practice on Sat same as it is here so what is the beef? you have the oppurtunity to buy more practice if you need/want it and not have to take time off work for Friday practice day seems like a bonus to me.
And racers and street are seperated.
SO I am pretty confused on what you are worried about.
 I am not going to be there nor have I been there but seems like non-issue from where I am sitting. 18 races on Sunday big deal they did that at Summit last year and we do 21 every weekend in SC. Florida does too.
Eric Kelcher
ASRA/CCS Director of Competition


Yeah, I think you're right about the time thing.  I read the schedule as 12:00-1:00 for all those sessions.  I stand by the rest.


Yeah, judging by the schedule you'll still get 3 practice sessions Saturday morning and, if the urge strikes you, you can pay for the LP day and get 5 more.

Edit: Doh, just noticed the times. 13 sessions between 8 and 11:15 and 8 sessions between 12 and . That's 15 minutes and 7.5 minutes per session respectively and not counting getting riders on and off the course or anything like that.


You have less to worry about than me.  It seems that USGPRU is supposed to be racing this weekend in conjunction with CCS but I don't see us on the schedule.  It wouldn't be a big deal but we are supposed to have one practice session, 2 qualifying sessions and a full race.  Our rules structure states that the race is to be a minimum of 54 km (32 miles).  With this long of a race it's going to be tough to squeeze into the schedule as it's currently written.

I think some of you that responded are the confused ones:

1) If you are racing on Sat, you have to share your practice time with the LP sport riders...period!

2) Even if you pay for the LP thing that only gets you into the "after lunch" sessions: 1200 to 2:30...where do you get "five more sessions", Rick ?

3) The racers get to sit around with their "hands in their pants" from 11:15 AM until 2:30 PM waiting for street riders to finish oiling the track!

4) In the morning there will be Expert racers in the same sessions on everything from Unlimited Superbikes to Ultra-LW the same time!

5) Same thing for the Amateurs! Recipe for disaster...especially with the "advanced" LP USA riders thrown into the mix!

6) Can you say "red flag"!

If anyone knows whom I should contact to address these issues I would REALLY appreciate it!

Oh...and I forgot...if CCS is really looking to make some money in this business...they just lost all the licensed racers track fees that would have been paid by holding a Friday practice/LP USA day...Oops!


i actually spoke with tiff this morning.   she said that the LP Track Day ran from 8 to 1, and even if you are registered to race on Saturday, you have to pay extra to ride on the track before 1pm.  

The schedule doesn't mention it, but the way she was talking, the CCS race day basically starts at 1:00 pm, i assume there would be time for 1 or two practice sessions between the end of the 1:00 riders meeting and the 2:30 start of the GT Lights race.  

So, rather than pay 50 bucks more to ride on Saturday morning, i am going to skip the GT Lights race altogether, and just show up on Sunday.   Saturday just isn't worth the hassle anymore, when i could spend the whole day driving to SOW rather than drive all day Friday, just to hang around on Saturday for one practice and one race.


Let me see if I have this right.  As the schedule reads right now, and if what Tiffiney said is correct, if we choose not to pay for the half ass track day, we do not get to practice before our Saturday races?

Wow, smart!

Don't get me wrong, I think the LP track days in conjunction w/ race events are a great idea, especially if you need to learn a new track.  however, they should not infirnge upon the CCS event.  Why would CCS allow LP to F' up our race weekend like this?

I'm wrong, right?  There's no way they would let people go race w/o practice, right?


QuoteI'm wrong, right?  There's no way they would let people go race w/o practice, right?

i think you are wrong.  i think there is room for practice from 1:15 (or so) to 2:30.  it just doesn't show up on the schedule.


QuoteI think some of you that responded are the confused ones:

2) Even if you pay for the LP thing that only gets you into the "after lunch" sessions: 1200 to 2:30...where do you get "five more sessions", Rick ?

I was thinking, based on the schedule,  that if you signed up for the LP day then you'd get to ride in two groups - A CCS Licensed Racer group (1 or 2)  and a LP USA Rider group (2-4). That may or may not be the case, but if it is then you'd be in two practice groups. :)

For example, the morning schedule shows:

Group 1: All Expert Licensed Racers
Group 2: All Amature Licensed Racers & LP USA Advanced Riders
Group 3: All LP USA Sport Riders
Group 4: All LP USA Street Riders

So, I was thinking that an "Expert" could ride in Group 1 w/ CCS and Group 2 w/ LP