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How do I vent a catch can to the intake if I'm running pods?

Started by christineedadrink, January 24, 2010, 01:50:03 PM

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I've used the search and read the rule book but the conclusion I'm coming to is there is no way to run pod filters on my SV650 SB AND comply with the CCS Rulebook. My crankcase vent goes to an aluminum catch can that has a Crankvent and K&N breather filter on top to vent gases. This would appear to be illegal in CCS
Any enlightenment is welcome [I'm sure I'll regret  this statement shortly   ; )]

5.2.15 On 4 stroke machines, crankcase ventilation must be routed into a
heat resistant catch can of at least 350cc capacity or the air box.
A. If ventilation is routed into the air box, any drains from the air box
must be sealed.
B. If ventilation is routed to a catch can, the overflow tube from the
catch can must be routed into the intake area of the carburetors
that any overflow from the catch can will be drawn into the engine.

Eric Kelcher

Route the vent so it isdrawn into the intake, abracket that holds the hose 1/2 inch or so from a pod so any vented oil is sucked into intake will do it.
Eric Kelcher
ASRA/CCS Director of Competition


Thanks, I was sure I wasn't the only one in this situation. Seems simple enough to do.


Just add a 3/8 pipe fitting with a "barb" hose connection to one of the pod filters mounting neck's and you should be good to go. If your pod filters don't have enough space you could make a billet  adapter, provided you have the space, and tap the side of that for the fitting. If you don't have a local shop to make one get me your dimensions and I could probably knock one out on my lathe.


I'll see if I can find a 90 degree barbed fitting to attach to the top of one of these. As far as a custom spacer, thank you very much for your kind offer but I'm afraid there would be no room for that much additional height.


How did this turn out? I went through something similar with my DS1000. It's supersport legal so I still had the airbox. Ripped the guts out of the breather and made a custom breather box, but it was too small, so the engine pumped an awful lot of oil into the airbox, which then leaked out all over the engine and exhaust.

This made the tech inspectors nervous, even when I told them it wasn't oil, but "sweat from all the horsepower"....they didn't buy it.

So I went with a second catch can after the breather box, but I got fined for that. So back to the airbox and I just clean out the airbox from all of the oil after the weekend.

One thing we noticed: The bike made 2 more HP with the breather ultimately routed to the airbox. I think at full throttle, the engine was sucking a vaccum in the crankcase.... whatever, it worked, so that's the way we left it.

Finally built another (larger) breather box with some baffles. We shall see.
CCS / ASRA EX # 23
2012 Ducati 848 / 1100 Conversion     2005 Ducati 749RS
2006 CCS Florida Thunderbike Champion (AM)
2008 CCS LW Supersport National Champion (EX) 2nd in 2011 and now  2012....damn you Mavros!


FYI i think there's an opening over at jet blue lol. the problem  with  the big twins like the duc is they need a big breather box to compansate for even the smallest amount of leakage around the rings party because the way they fire(or the time between firings) and all the rotating mess in the bottom  end.a deep sump or a dry sump would be the fix but not legal


Dry sump on my 800 would be pretty cool. I must do something about the breather and add a larger breather box-On the hunt for more power.
Mark Tenn
CCS Ex #22
Mark Tenn Motorsports, Michelin tire guy in Florida.


you need ram air and nitrouis a new thumb would help too. lol


The thumb is coming along although I may not have total recovery as far as range of motion at the IP joint(last knuckle closest to the end). Yesterday I was able to do my first girly push-up which is an improvement post injury. Funny thing is before the crash i was capable of roughly 75 regular push-ups and 10 one arm push-ups. I was also able to perform push-ups on my thumbs. I know what the ortho has said but I am determined to prove him wrong.

I think I will be ready for the Vintage race in July if the bike will be.
Mark Tenn
CCS Ex #22
Mark Tenn Motorsports, Michelin tire guy in Florida.


Remember that when a piston moves down it is pushing as much volume under it as it does when it goes up, so you need to have negative preasure on the crank case to "suck" that volume out of the crankcase. If you just vent to the open air, preasure can build up and cause ring flutter allowing combustion gas' past the ring, which causes the loss of hp and tq.  that is why all the top running drag cars use dry sumps and add a vacume pump to the valve cover. The vacume keeps a low preasure (vacume) in the crankcase and helps with ring seal.


we used to hook it to the exhaust header on the drag car but that would suck of you blew a motoor at daytona.i've thought about a vaccum pump also but my R&D money has completely dried up. my 900 with the flatslides goes to the breather box under the seat then to a beer can  on the frame and haven't had any problems  been that way for 4 or 5 years with no problems  plus it gives it that nice AHRMA look