
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Thanks to CCS for a great Roebling Road Weekend!

Started by simme001, March 15, 2011, 11:25:06 AM

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Just finished my first race weekend in 5 years after a nasty injury at VIR in 2006 (and several surgeries).  Got to meet some great folks and ride the Paul Smart 1000 I bought over the winter for the first time.  Met Mark(SV650) and Greg from the Virginia area, and met Dominic(SV650) and his girlfriend from Florida-- all fine folks!  Saw Russell Masecar and got to hang out with a bunch of nice people!  Thanks to Austin from Onlinepaddock for the use of the ez-up since the one I bought from him was delivered by UPS while I was at the track.  (Go figure!) 

CCS runs a great show, with really friendly people and everything just seems to work and run smoothly with them.  Thanks to everyone who made this old racer's first weekend back on the track not as terribly-frightening as I thought it would be!  With the gas prices what they are, not sure if I'll get to race much more this year, but sure had a fun time hanging out with everyone and getting back on the track again after all this time.  Hope my riding wasn't too erratic or scary.  Had a hard time figuring out how to pass people, but hopefully I'll get better and smoother as time goes by, that is if I can afford to race again sometime soon.  Thanks again everyone for a great weekend!  And congrats to Mark and Dominic for their great rides!

#71 Amateur Paul Smart Ducati


I was also there and watched you ride. An Amateur you are not. Kevin must bump you back up to Expert. You blew by me in the LW F40 race and you were gone. Congrats on your first race back and the success you had.

I too conquered my fear of crashing in 2007 at that track. I count this as my first time there only because I dont think you can count three sessions as being experienced.
Mark Tenn
CCS Ex #22
Mark Tenn Motorsports, Michelin tire guy in Florida.


Thank you for the compliment, next time stop by my pit and say hello, to me that's the most fun of being at the track -- meeting nice  folks and sharing lies/stories about racing.  Don't know how much more I'll get to race this year, plus I'm headed back to physical therapy again, racing aggravated the right arm/shoulder that I injured so badly at VIR '05, now my hand and arm is numb and that sucks!  (Ever tried to write in a patient's chart and have to just watch the pen to see what you are writing becaue you can't actually feel it?  LOL)


I just have someone else scribe for me, and you are right. The best thing about racing is the stories.
Mark Tenn
CCS Ex #22
Mark Tenn Motorsports, Michelin tire guy in Florida.


that is a pretty bike that you brought to the grid!  always liked the Paul Smart.  best luck for future racing!


Just looked at the results.  Wow, looks like the LW AM grids were small.  I'll be adding one to the grid at CMP in April.   


2012 FL region & 2014 South East overall champion
Pro Flow Tech Performance Fuel Injector Service
MICHELIN, EBC, Silkolene, JenningsGP, Engine Ice


I enjoyed meeting you and your wife.  Looks like you haven't missed a step, you rode great!!!  Glad to have you back and hope to see you again soon.....