
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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How many racers own a tablet (iPad/Xoom/PlayBook/etc)?

Started by MCRacer980, April 22, 2011, 02:03:56 PM

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I have a few app ideas that I think would be useful to the average racer / track day rider. While I'll probably develop at least one of them regardless (just for my own benefit/use), I'd be interested to hear how many peeps out there use a tablet device.

In a somewhat related question, how many that own a tablet are also running data acquisition of some sort? And what product do you use? AIM? XT? Other?


I have a smart phone but no tablet as of yet. sounds interesting though. I use an Xt for basic data acquisition with my laptop
A&M Motorsports
Mid-Atlantic VP Fuel Vendor


At designengine we have a WACOM 21UX   This ultimate Cintiq tablet and beats all!   droll on this


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I have a Viewsonic Android 10" tablet.
No data acquisition.
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