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Removal of lever from Brembo clutch GP MC?

Started by, July 09, 2004, 07:50:22 AM

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Anyone know how these things are removed?  I can't figure out what part allows it to release from the MC itself... ???


I don't have it in front of me right now but I could swear it was a pin that held it together.  You push it out to take the lever off.

I think I know what you are refering to, but here's the deal:

To get the lever end off the MC there is a clip, which allows the release of the end of the this point the only thing holding the lever to the MC is the position adjuster knob/rod...which then enters the MC through a rubber boot to interact with a piston, I presume.  This is the part that is holding me up.  I have tried pulling the adjuster rod out of the rubber boot with some significant force to no avail...making me thing that brute force is not the answer...maybe it screws out?

Maybe there is a set screw that allows the knurled knob end to come off?  I will have to look again when I get home...

Protein Filled

There is a tiny push pin on the knob that you need to press off. Look closely and you will see it on the base. You may need to rotate the knob to get to it. Don't pull on it or you will break the part that holds it onto the master itself.

Edgar Dorn #81 - Numbskullz Racing, Mason Racin Tires, Michelin, Lithium Motorsports

Don't give up on your dreams! If an illiterate like K3 can write a book, imagine what you can do!


I would have to go home and look to be sure.  But, I thought that there was a circlip that held in the adjusting rod and rubber boot.  
-Bill Hitchcock
GP EX #13
Double Bravo Racing
'01 Ducati 748

Tuck your skirt in your panties and twist the throttle!

The image of the rebuild kit does show an internal C-clip that retains the "guts" of the MC.  I don't want to remove the "guts" ..just the lever.

Protein Filled

You don't want to remove the internal circlip. If you do, you will need to bleed the lines since that allows the fluid to come out and air to get it. The pin that I am talking about is located right on the adjustment knob. You can use a small nail or wire to get it out. Just tap lightly with a hammer.
Edgar Dorn #81 - Numbskullz Racing, Mason Racin Tires, Michelin, Lithium Motorsports

Don't give up on your dreams! If an illiterate like K3 can write a book, imagine what you can do!

Protein Filled

Oh, and once you remove that knob, the lever comes right off. You will just have to remove the pivot pin, which comes out fairly easily.
Edgar Dorn #81 - Numbskullz Racing, Mason Racin Tires, Michelin, Lithium Motorsports

Don't give up on your dreams! If an illiterate like K3 can write a book, imagine what you can do!

Protein Filled

To give you an idea on where this pin is, I modified an image for you to look at:

Edgar Dorn #81 - Numbskullz Racing, Mason Racin Tires, Michelin, Lithium Motorsports

Don't give up on your dreams! If an illiterate like K3 can write a book, imagine what you can do!

Thanks so much...this is the kind of help that only fellow racers could provide!

I can't believe that you need to punch out that little metal cylinder to remove the lever!

Now I am a side question:

Why does Brembo make the lever so long?  It seems to me that if it were a bunch shorted it wouldn't ever hit the ground and get damaged.  Maybe they designed it that way to enhance sales?  I only use two fingers on the lever just where it bends sharply (index and middle finger)...I would love to shorten it, but alot of race organizations require a ball on the end of the lever for "safety."

Thanks again! ;D