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Anyone else see their license fee credited?

Started by WebCrush, January 09, 2006, 05:53:09 PM

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K3 Chris Onwiler

Is it possible that Webcrush and Cornercamping Dan are the same person?  They SOUND alot alike....
The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"


I was JUST thinking the same thing!!
(K3, you can tell the future AND read minds!!)

MA  #92
cbr 600 F2
(My Heart Still Remains in the Great Plains)


The internet is fantastic!  Thanks, Al Gore.  ;D

Super Dave

QuoteIs it possible that Webcrush and Cornercamping Dan are the same person?  They SOUND alot alike....

No, I've actually seen Adam at a race track.
Super Dave


QuoteSo now we have that one pretty well straight - here's the parking incident I was talking about - yet again oddly enough - your own words back to haunt ya :)

   " I've parked my trailer in the same spot for years and years, and its never really been a problem as I get there pretty early on Thursday.
    Last year a newbie started parking there. I asked him if I could have my spot back in the future.
    A year later now, and I still haven't gotten my spot back.
    I don't make a big deal of it and just park somewhere else (which tends to be a challenge with such a big truck/trailer combo) but there will be no x-mas cards sent in the future. God help him if ever comes looking for a tool or spare part."

    AMA FX#60 SB#160 CCS #63

Good job Mongo, sounds like a real fiasco.  No yelling, swearing, fighting, etc.  I'm amazed they didn't ban me right then and there for that GIANT debacle I started.   I can't imagine how you would construe it if I asked something even more provocative, like asking if I could bring a sandwhich to the track!  ::) ::) (yes that deserved two)

I would think last summer's instance where one person parked their car blocking another's garage and was out on the track--so a track volunteer moved the car.  That resulted in the car owner beating the crap out of the volunteer.  The fair and judicious org let 'that' slide under thet table.  No biggie, kicking the crap outa someone after sucker punching them isn't frowned upon I guess.

If you're going to quote me, Mongo, I'd appreciate it if you at least find the instances where I was causing major trouble.  ( Again  ::) )

G 97

I don't know.  But one has to ask what is the common thread with all of this.   Why is it that several organizations and events have similar issues towards the person in question.  

I guess whatever.  It is what it is.  I don't recall any race organization or track club declining my desire to participate.  But yet........some people just don't get it.    

K3 Chris Onwiler

QuoteI don't recall any race organization or track club declining my desire to participate.   
I went to an all-boys Catholic high school.  I was banned from the campus of our sister school next door.  It seemed that the nuns over there didn't appreciate MY desire to participate.... 8)
The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"


QuoteWhy is it that several organizations and events have similar issues towards the person in question.  

Garth--they don't, only one does, LRRS.  

CCS isn't allowing me a license as they mandate that LRRS has exclusive rights to the region.

WERA hasn't denied me a license, I haven't even run an event with them.  Mongo bases all his impressions upon internet activity and likes to bust balls


Internet?  In part - but as I have shown here (and you so nicely expounded upon) it's only YOUR words on the internet I am basing it on.  There are many others I know personally who have realted some of the more amusing Adam stories over the years.  I've talked to them in person and via the net. So not totally.  

I'm more than willing to allow people the benefit of the doubt, your WERA license is proof of that.  I know it'll come back to haunt me but I have to give everyone at least one shot.

As for the ball busting - well if you weren't dumb enough to actually post things in public then tell me I couldn't find them and post them here - when you adamantly denied they ever existed.  I like busting liars like you, the stupider you are the easier it is and while it is a LOT like beating up on a retarded kid it still amuses me.  

By the way, you said that these things never happened.  No one ever mentioned at all what level the issue may have escalated to, no one cares, the fact is still the same - you did them, you lied about them, and they were more than enough to have the officials know who you are and what you're like.

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing


(page 13?)  Yah, 13 was my lucky # in high school as a pitcher on the JV and varsity bball teams. This atrocious waste of ether space should at least contain a photo of dog poop in the kitty litter.



QuoteBy the way, you said that these things never happened.  No one ever mentioned at all what level the issue may have escalated to

Yes, you did say that they escalated to the point of calling them 'antics'.  I said no 'antics' ever occured and to find them.  You still haven't.

QuoteI've kown for years that LRRS has been tired of you and your antics from the dog crap through the arguing over someone parking in "your" spot to the networking cable crap

I think that if nothing ever became of anything, then there was no 'antics', no situation, no commotion, no arguments, and thus no reason for anyone to think I'm causing trouble.

Your detective work has shown nothing but to show that I'm active on the internet--no different than majority of the other people whom are also on the same boards/lists.   You've shown NO evidence of any 'situation' which would compile upon the present situation in which the Director of LRRS has refused to re-license me based upon my claim that they have made mistakes in their race results reporting.  I have the hard document to show this as they specifically state this.


Oh gee, I'm sorry - you don't think telling someone to move from a perfectly legal per the track rules parking space because it was "yours" isn't an antic?  

Now if no one knew about it - why exactly did you feel obligated ot post your side of the incident to the NEAR list?  

Nothing came of any of them because you as usual were in the wrong and once you got called on it you backed down.  Ummm - duh.

I've shown a pattern of bahvior Adam that proves exactly what I said - everyone there at Loudon knows the type of person you are.  That is why you are no longer allowed to race with them.  As you've pointed out they don't do this for just one incident, they obviously have a number of them in your case.

As for not pissing off CCS - didn't you post once you told the CCS officials at Summit to screw off (or something like that) when they asked about your generator and the problems you caused when you arrived the night before waking all your pit neighbors up?  Of course you did.  But go ahead and deny it.  I'll find it later and post it here too :D  

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing