
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Anyone else see their license fee credited?

Started by WebCrush, January 09, 2006, 05:53:09 PM

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And how.  Make for a lot of advertising and purse money too.  

These things are totally ridiculous.  Too many ex-hippies with a crapload of excess cash or something.

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing


I think it's a my d!ck is bigger than your d!ck contest. What a waste!


K3 Chris Onwiler

QuotePlease make it stop! :-*
Yew got a awful purdy mouth, boy!   :-X
The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"


Quotei lied about that too  Whats next--you gonna invent some new Newtonian/Nizche existential law of physics?


Make it stop?  Oh c'mon Kevin.  It's just starting to turn into a really intellectual discussion.  I mean, Adam is just about to enlighten us on "Nizche" know, that famous "existential physicist" dude.  This should be good.  We'll all get a new outlook on life's mysteries.  ;D ;D

This whole thread is the BBS equivalent of a COPS episode.  Mongo's the reasoning police officer trying to make the crackhead understand that yes, in fact, he did just beat his drunk girlfriend and run away from the scene, and we're all just sitting here on our couches thinking to ourselves that we really ought to be doing something productive with our get the idea.  ;D
Don Cook
CCS #53


QuoteYew got a awful purdy mouth, boy!   :-X

Run away! Run away!  :o
Don Cook
CCS #53

K3 Chris Onwiler

The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"


QuoteIf you're going to quote me, Mongo, I'd appreciate it if you at least find the instances where I was causing major trouble.  ( Again  ::) )

Webcrush's words:

1. Summit Point Sucks
2. Cicada's suck
3. Steering Dampers are our friends
4. Summit still Sucks
5. Tech guys can be kewl
6. Dunlop reps MidAtlanta Suck
7. Don't let off, EVER
8. Summit really sucks in the wet
9. Wood is cool
10. Meatballs suck
11. 3 yr old rain tires work great in rain, ok in drying, and suck in dry
12. CCS Sucks ass
13. Repacking the bearings on your trailer does not make you immune to bearing failure

"Someone down there already told me there was no spots to park so I picked up a 5500 watt (8500 surge) Generac generator. Got to Summit at 2am. Drove around paddock 3 times looking for a spot to park, ended up on a grassy section down past the tech shed by the gravel areas. Fire up the generator to get some light and stuff and some guy comes over complaining about the noise, saying all generators have to be off by 10pm. I say fine, let me plug into your outlett, he says no. Great, I tell him to go $crew (next morning CCS officials tell me I can't run it, I tell them to go $crew as well as they're not willing to do ANYTHING to help me in this situation, why should I help them. "


no, i never said any of that, i was lying.   ::)


Quoteno, i never said any of that, i was lying.   ::)
uhhhhh ... WTF are you talking about?
You wrote it. You admitted to being a pr!ck.
End of story.(?)


oh, and everyone say hi to Will Torbert the 3rd, the infamous stalker psycho.


Everyone say hi to Adam Vella. Enough said ...