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Anyone else see their license fee credited?

Started by WebCrush, January 09, 2006, 05:53:09 PM

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QuoteBTW, Wade unsubscribe to this thread and stop yer whinin'



So anyway, Suzy, pictures from the banquet, anyone???

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing


Will saves the day yet again!  The quotes about CCS and Summit Point are priceless.  ;D

At what point does lying become a medical issue?  Cuz I think we've stepped well into "pathological" here.


Main Entry: de·ni·al
Pronunciation: di-'nI(-&)l, dE-
Function: noun

a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

K3 Chris Onwiler

QuoteSuzy, pictures from the banquet, anyone???
After the way you and your boyz beat her up on the WERA BBS, and after all the compassion and goodwill you've shown over here, do you really think she's going to be posting any pictures for your amusement?
You're delusional Mongo.  Remember that a pinch of kindness buys more than a pound of azzholes
The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"


QuoteAfter the way you and your boyz beat her up on the WERA BBS,.....

oh.  it's that suzy.
what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?


Michael - CCS 73


QuoteAfter the way you and your boyz beat her up on the WERA BBS, and after all the compassion and goodwill you've shown over here, do you really think she's going to be posting any pictures for your amusement?
You're delusional Mongo.  Remember that a pinch of kindness buys more than a pound of azzholes

I kind of remember her more than holding her own - didn't realize she felt differently.  

As for compassion and goodwill - other than Adam who doesn't actually count as a real person when have I been out of line here?  

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing


QuoteThere was no 'abuse'.  

If we got into a heated debate, I won't argue that.

The reason I was even talking to him, was that he interjected himself into a conversation I was having with the scoring people (nicely, I'll add), got up in MY face, and started acting 'tough' with me.  I had no idea who this person was and suddenly he's picking a fight with me.

That's very interesting, Adam. It's an interesting spin on how things happened, but as has been pointed out in numerous other posts, you're a pathological liar. This one takes the cake. I've been quiet on the subject, but you've spun this tale so many different ways, I think it's time for everyone to hear the truth.

Now I may be one who could be considered a little bit biased, particularly since I'm the person who fined Adam, but here is the account of what I experienced in as an impartial manner as I can express.

Adam came into a restricted area of our media center and stood next to me as I was dealing with some paperwork from a previous race. He stood there silently waiting for someone to ask him if he needed something. I asked what he wanted and Adam inquired about the number of entries listed for his previous race. I've seen Adam come into the media center nearly every weekend regarding this issue and I even knew what he was going to ask before he did. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and explained that the reason the number of entries had changed was that we had a red flag incident prior to completing the first lap and the race would be considered a complete restart.  I explained to Adam that since we considered the race a complete restart and one of the riders involved in the red flag was unable to make the start due to a mechanical failure, he would not be counted toward the number of riders in the starting grid. Adam seemed unable to grasp this concept so I explained it to him a couple of different ways. Adam insisted that my explaination was not to his satisfaction and I needed a better reason to change the number. I explained to Adam that my explaination was fully sufficient, the results would not be changed and that this is no longer a point up for debate. Adam continued to insist that I provide a better explaination. I told Adam that the discussion was over and that I was really busy trying to deal with a situation from a previous race so we could get the preliminary results posted. Adam persisted and said "that's not good enough, I want a better explaination why you changed the results." I told Adam that I had enough and I would no longer discuss the matter and told him to leave the media center. Adam refused to leave the media center after my telling him no less than 3 times at which point I told Adam that if he would not leave the media center, that I would suspend his racing license and have him removed by NHIS security. That  quickly got Adam's attention. As Adam started to leave, he provided some colorful words in my direction, to which I replied "Now you just earned yourself a $50 fine". Even more colorful words followed to which I replied "now it's $100 fine if you want to race" and I asked him if he would like to keep going. The door slammed as Adam left and I was able to continue about my business.

Later I informed pre-grid that Adam was not allowed to race unless they heard otherwise from me (a few of the girls cheered). Not surprisingly, later in the day there was a request for a referee to come to pre-grid. As I went there, I noticed Adam on his bike ready to go. I told Adam that he wasn't racing until he paid the fine to which he relplied that he had not heard anything about a fine. I told Adam that I'm not going to play his childish games and to go park the bike.

The events that transpired from there would take another 10 pages to write. Suffice to say that Adam tried everything he could to get out of the fine and ultimately packed up and left for the weekend.

Adam will certainly refute what transpired, but this is 100% accurate and I have witnesses to back it up. I'm certain Adam will note that we are all biased, pathological liars -- including the first weekend newbie who was sitting nearby enjoying the air conditioning and heard everything.

Good luck, Mongo. He's all yours.


QuoteI think it's time for everyone to hear the truth.

Wow, two accounts of the same story, both claim the other lies!!  Odd, no other actual witness to the matter speaks up.

QuoteAdam inquired about the number of entries listed for his previous race.... of the riders involved in the red flag was unable to make the start due to a mechanical failure, he would not be counted toward the number of riders in the starting grid.

Amazing, still don't see what the two counts have to do with each other.  One is the number of people signed up for the race, the 2nd is the number of people who start the race.  Why the problem being able to distinguish one from the other.  Was that rider not entered in the race?  Was he not listed on the grid?  Did he not pay his entry fee?  

He was a DNS, why not list him as such?

Chris--since you're so IN the know, maybe YOU can explain the UNGP results error from the Loudon FUSA weekend and tell us why nothing has been done?


I'm begining to think Adam is related to cornercamping Dan!  :o


QuoteI kind of remember her more than holding her own - didn't realize she felt differently.  

As for compassion and goodwill - other than Adam who doesn't actually count as a real person when have I been out of line here?  

Thanks Chris, your great for defending me, and I did feel like Sh*t at first when I got bashed, but then thought to myself let's fight fire with fire, so I did, remember this post,


That put some of them in there place, but I do have to say that Mongo did defend me, so don't be upset at him Chris, I did hold my own and gave them a way to release their angry attitudes, and now it looks like some here need to be reminded LOL!!!


As far a pictures, I don't think anyone took any of me, sorry no pics.  :(