
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Tenative 2007 Schedule

Started by extrakt0r, November 22, 2006, 01:34:36 PM

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Quote from: Woofentino Pugrossi on November 22, 2006, 02:45:02 PM
What the hell are you wahooing for Todd? You're on teh upgrade list. :lmao: Get out the white spray paint. :biggrin:

Got any suggestions? I was gonna go with an eggshell white?

Is that legal?     :err:

Under rule changes I believe the BMW 1100 was eliminated from LW...

Woofentino Pugrossi

Dont us GM#50. Larry will say its too green. :lmao: #10 would be better.

CCSForums Cornerworking and Classifieds Mod


Quote from: Hawk on November 23, 2006, 03:08:20 AM
What did you hear and where?

in the license mailer...
Lightweight SuperSport displacements
have been adjusted to read:
Twin cylinder, Air cooled, 2 Valve up to
Twin cylinder, Air cooled, 4 Valve up to

so from that only the K12 is restricted from LW WT SuperSport right? or is the old 1100 over the real 1100 cc limit? but still only SuperSport is still legal in SB and GT?

Paul Castiglia
CCS - #524 - SV650

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Laugh uncontrollably...
And never regret anything that made you smile....


Quote from: SVR6#231 on November 23, 2006, 06:12:17 AM
Scratch that - Gateway is not a problem (5 hrs from here).  Heartland or Topeka are more problematic.  May do Hearland instead of a track day weekend at Barber in March.  Given your impressive list of sponsors, I probably cannot compete, although the real test will be at the track!

ha, sponsors dont make you fast, though they can help. But anyway, I was wondering if you were picturing it right, seeing that BHF is obnly about 5 hours away from us, cause if you live in chitown and 5 hours is to long to drive to a race track your in the wrong sport :-)
BP Performance_Team Dreaded_Motul_Michelin Tires_SLU Machine_Midwest Cafe Racing_FastbyEnrico_Outlaw Kustomz_BS Design
Home of the GSXR 565


I'll probably make the drive down to Heartland since it's a twin sprint weekend, Gateway won't be an issue but not sure I'll do MAM.  Speaking of driving, If you sail competitively in Chicago, you end up sailing the MAC (65 hrs last time) and driving the 8 hrs back  That sport is hours of quiet punctuated by seconds of sheer terror.  I do prefer roadracing.. much more terrifying all the time ;)

I think that even if I was good enough to compete at the AMA level, it isn't compatible with holding down a professional job and being a family guy (3 kids).
Fastsv650/SVR6/Steve sv23
09R6rdrace,13KTM250xc enduro,03SV1000N, 99-02 sv650 project
ret. CCS MW/FL/SE 88  Moto A SSP 881


QuoteNo Grattan, no Gingerman, no Autobahn...

Unfortunately, this will definitely cut down my participation and probably push me into retirement and track days with only occasional races.

Yah, for us Michiganders that is a bad deal.. looks like my wera decision got made for me =/


come on man keep up, old news.
BP Performance_Team Dreaded_Motul_Michelin Tires_SLU Machine_Midwest Cafe Racing_FastbyEnrico_Outlaw Kustomz_BS Design
Home of the GSXR 565


I'm disappointed with the midwest schedule. With all the race tracks we have around the area, it sucks CCS can't utilize them.

Why can't we race Grattan, Gingerman, Putnam, Autobahn? 5 Blackhawk dates???? That is retarded.  :wtf: :rollseyes: Why so many????  I get tired of that track. I am looking foward to running Gateway though, never been to that track.

Maybe I'll race some WERA events this year for the hell of it to hit up the Michigan tracks and to see how the competition is.

Maybe I'll just say fuck road racing and do more hare scrambles and enduros. Sure as hell will be easier on the pocket book.

Woofentino Pugrossi

Nick we used to run 6 at BHF. First usually was the first week of april before RA. BHF is the home track for MW thats why it gets used so much. Just picture what WSMC racers and LRRS guys do. Same track all year. I dont think I ever seen Gratten on CCS MW schedule since 1999.

CCSForums Cornerworking and Classifieds Mod


Up til July it looks good! Then what the F@#$?!?!?! One race each month and ALL at  BHF? Did someone forgot to include a few round into the schedule teh last 3 monthes of the season?


Maybe... b/c it does say 'tentative'