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ESU = Qualifying

Started by The Arsenal, February 28, 2007, 02:20:56 PM

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The Arsenal

Now that ESU is being used why not make 1 morn session and 1 afternoon session for each Group a Qualifying session?

Lap times are posted for each group and each session from fastest to slowest anyways so instead of posting up the times with the Header saying "Group 1 xxSession" why not just post up the Name of the Race and who is entered in them with their times?

The ESU will keep track of riders times regardless its just a matter of listing the riders in the correct races they are entered in.

obviously this is just a riders pov I dont know what changes would need to be done in regards to listing the Race Class and the Riders who are entered in them.
Would that be as simple as rewriting the program? I have no clue what happens with the scoring in the office.

I personally would still pre-enter to make things easier and to avoid the long lines.

Just a suggestion.... :biggrin:

Super Dave

Probably a matter to take up with CCS directly.  It's been discussed at length.  I don't know if the search feature will help you with that.  There are pros and cons.  Some people have more than one bike, and nothing will differentiate them for lap times from one class to another..  Which session do you use for qualifying if it rains in one and not another?
Super Dave

The Arsenal

If you have more then 1 bike then then each bike gets assigned their own ESU.
As far as which session to use for times it would just be your Fastest time regardless of which session it was achieved in

I see the problem there being what if some riders can make the First Qualifyer and its dry then those who missed the first make the 2nd qualifyer and its wet.
Or if they have a multiple bikes and other riders have qualified in the dry for their race but the rider with multi bikes has yet to qualify on their second bike and they have to do his/hers qualifying in the rain.
Also what if 1 rider has 1 bike and gets 2 chances to qualify for their races compared to the
rider who has multiple bikes and only gets 1 qualifyer for each bike.

When you step onto the track durring a designated qualifying session you should be pushing it.
There are plenty of practice sessions to sort out the bikes set up.
Im only saying 2 designated sessions be for qualifying.

I see the biggest problem being Cheaters. Multiple bikes,slicks,running a bigger bike then what is legal in the class they are qualifying for.

Well I just answered my own questions.... :banghead:

Gridding by pre-entry seems alot easier now... :biggrin:

The topic was touched on in the Grid by Points thread on pages 5,6,7 but it trailed off into
the Points topic.

ESU results are every word that is spelled with esu in it.
Spelling it out didnt come up with anything directly addressing the topic of qualifying.


With transponders now being used in Florida we should record laps times for qualifying. As far as cheating and whatever else, it's an easy solution. Any rider caught intentionally cheating loses their licenses for 1 year or pays $2000 fine or loses any points for that race, take your pick. That should put a quick stop to any of that non-sense. AMA, FIM, MotoGP, Nascar, Formula 1 all do random spot checks without prior notice and so could we do the same. This is a discussion that's been going on for a while, it can be done! Classes already practice and race at the same time, so the rain effects all riders of that class at the same time, it's not an issue, there's equity across the grid. And qualifying also solves the problem of rain outs on race day, the quickest qualifier wins and so on. All the crying about it's going to be dangerous out there stuff. If you want to ride slow to improve, do track days or move off the race line. Qualifying will make the race weekend that much more exciting and has the potential to draw more revenue. It puts the fast in front and the slow in back, the way it should be. I said before and I'll said it again, grids determined by pre-entry are not equitible and I honestly believe can be more dangerous.

The Arsenal

Officials will have a list of the riders who entered multiple bikes and they can spot check off the list and if the transpoder doesnt match with the bike they assinged it to they will be penalized whatever the penalty shall be.
Check them comming onto the track or comming off.

Have all the regions switched to ESU?
I run the FL region so thats why Im asking.


Yep Arsenal, you definitely got my vote! I'm glad to see transponders have come to Florida, it's a sign of a new foundation that will allow the very thing we are discussing here.

Super Dave

Arsenal, it sounds good. 

But it appears hard.

First, you'll have to have a list.  There isn't a list that is generated that tells tech or registration that a rider has one or more bikes.  And coming off the track, well, all riders come off the track in a large mass.  A superbike is not apparently different from a supersport bike, generally, from the outside.  There are those that ride bikes that have superbike motors with supersport based tires and suspension.  A technical inspection of the exterior of the bike won't show anything there.

Technical inspection, also, does not mean that the bike is suitable for a particular class.  Post race tech and protests are for that.

The ECU only tells scoring that a particular rider is on track.  Doesn't designate a bike. 
Super Dave


No way to do it fairly and ensure legality without tripling fees to hire more people.

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing

Super Dave

Super Dave

Super Dave

Quote from: The Arsenal on February 28, 2007, 02:20:56 PM
Now that ESU is being used why not make 1 morn session and 1 afternoon session for each Group a Qualifying session?
Where are you racing where you have an afternoon session of practice?
Super Dave


Quote from: The Arsenal on March 01, 2007, 07:33:53 PM
Officials will have a list of the riders who entered multiple bikes and they can spot check off the list and if the transpoder doesnt match with the bike they assinged it to they will be penalized whatever the penalty shall be.
Check them comming onto the track or comming off.


simple and effective w/o having to raise fees-use the people already hired!

Woofentino Pugrossi

Quote from: 61Ex on March 04, 2007, 08:45:21 AM


simple and effective w/o having to raise fees-use the people already hired!

Not enough transmitters to equip EVERY BIKE with a different unit.

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