
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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NESBA trackday riders place well at CCS / ASRA Road America Races

Started by G 97, July 16, 2007, 04:17:27 PM

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I was talking to a corner worker of some 11 years a RA and he told me that the nesba event are the worst out of any track group that comes there, over crowed,more wrecks,ect..

The only thing I hated about the nesba days I have done which has ony been 2 was wear I couldnt goto advance session unless they tell me its ok, I think anyone with a valid race licsence should be able to goto  advance, Instead of we will evaluate you over several trackdays and let you know. Thats BS. I found myself dodge around intermediate riders and have to ruin session because of it or come up on a CR. The CR thing isnt a bad idea it just racers trying to log tracktime should have to deal with that.

Garth, istead of coming on here being a asshole, you should have just posted a congratulations to your group members for there effort, Instead of putting it up there like you did.


Quote from: gonecrazy on July 17, 2007, 07:44:47 PMThe only thing I hated about the nesba days I have done which has ony been 2 was wear I couldnt goto advance session unless they tell me its ok, I think anyone with a valid race licsence should be able to goto  advance, Instead of we will evaluate you over several trackdays and let you know. Thats BS. I found myself dodge around intermediate riders and have to ruin session because of it or come up on a CR. The CR thing isnt a bad idea it just racers trying to log tracktime should have to deal with that.

I have personal experience with your comment I would like to share....

I was convinced by a guy who races (250cc's) with CCS to take a trip out to Heartland Park and do a Nesba day last year in November....he started out in Intermediate and asked for an evaluation in the first session and was bumped to Advanced after the session was over.

Did he belong in Advanced in the first place? Hell yeah!!! When we were driving out there I asked him why he wasn't going to be able to ride in Advanced right away and he said "I know I can ride...but they don't, so I really don't mind giving them a 20 minute show"

Brian Blume
Hix Racing #803

Super Dave

Quote from: tstruyk on July 17, 2007, 02:39:58 PM
I'd be more impressed with someone that had done 3-4 track days (including learning curves) coming out and cracking the top 10 in those large fields having never been to the track.
Shane Wright and Garrick Schneiderman did all right in amateur stuff.  Wasn't Learning Curves, but that's not the point.

Track time isn't the gateway to being fast.  If it was, Honda would have Nicky on the bike all the time to beat Stoner, etc.
Super Dave


Wow Garth, you really stirred up the hornets nest on this one. Regardless of all the bullshit, mumbo jumbo politics the fact of the matter is all of the riders posted are fast. Amateur or not, who cares? If you are a first time CCS road racer you ARE STILL AN AMATUER RACER. So the argument about that is crap. Long time dirt tracker, Moto crosser, fast canyon carver, running from the cops in corn fields, if you are a first timer competing in CCS you are still an amateur racer.  STT, PTT, NESBA...ECT who cares? Sometimes people forget that they are out to have fun and ride motorcycles. Sometimes people forget why they got involved in the sport.  Sometimes people need to mind their own business.

To hear/read that NESBA has faster, better riders than other orgs is getting old. I guess it matters who shows up that day doesn't it? I think it's great that claimed fast track day riders are getting out and doing some racing to actually prove they are fast in competition.

All the big track day orgs are so much the same, but have their little differences. It's an old augment and needs to die. Monte does an exceptional job organizing and putting on track days just like all the rest of the orgs. Personally, and it's my opinion, I think he has the best structure for Novices. All the orgs have a different way of approaching the structure in which they operate. Some are structured better than others, some people like different structures more than others. Some don't care, are tired of hearing and reading these crap arguments like this and just want to have fun and ride their motorcycles. Once you are an advanced rider all of the orgs are the same.

We all ride, we all love the sport otherwise we wouldn't participate or read this forum rite? Let's all keep the worthless arguments to ourselves, have fun and ride.


'08 Ducati 848



Some cat over on DC Sportbikes found and posted our tax return from 2006. I'm pretty sure it is still over there someplace if anyone wants to go looking. I think I actually heard crickets in that thread once it was put up.

G 97

Quote from: grasshopper on July 17, 2007, 08:07:52 PM
Wow Garth, you really stirred up the hornets nest on this one. Regardless of all the bullshit, mumbo jumbo politics the fact of the matter is all of the riders posted are fast. Amateur or not, who cares? If you are a first time CCS road racer you ARE STILL AN AMATUER RACER. So the argument about that is crap. Long time dirt tracker, Moto crosser, fast canyon carver, running from the cops in corn fields, if you are a first timer competing in CCS you are still an amateur racer.  STT, PTT, NESBA...ECT who cares? Sometimes people forget that they are out to have fun and ride motorcycles. Sometimes people forget why they got involved in the sport.  Sometimes people need to mind their own business.

To hear/read that NESBA has faster, better riders than other orgs is getting old. I guess it matters who shows up that day doesn't it? I think it's great that claimed fast track day riders are getting out and doing some racing to actually prove they are fast in competition.

All the big track day orgs are so much the same, but have their little differences. It's an old augment and needs to die. Monte does an exceptional job organizing and putting on track days just like all the rest of the orgs. Personally, and it's my opinion, I think he has the best structure for Novices. All the orgs have a different way of approaching the structure in which they operate. Some are structured better than others, some people like different structures more than others. Some don't care, are tired of hearing and reading these crap arguments like this and just want to have fun and ride their motorcycles. Once you are an advanced rider all of the orgs are the same.

We all ride, we all love the sport otherwise we wouldn't participate or read this forum rite? Let's all keep the worthless arguments to ourselves, have fun and ride.

What argument are you reffering to?  Who said anything about STT.   STT has nothing to do with this.  Funny how you seem compelled to think that it involves anything to do with STT, but since you took the time to bring it up where did all of the STT track coaches and members who raced place anyway? 
Inferiority complex? 

Yeah I thought so.

G 97

Quote from: gonecrazy on July 17, 2007, 07:44:47 PM
I was talking to a corner worker of some 11 years a RA and he told me that the nesba event are the worst out of any track group that comes there, over crowed,more wrecks,ect..

The only thing I hated about the nesba days I have done which has ony been 2 was wear I couldnt goto advance session unless they tell me its ok, I think anyone with a valid race licsence should be able to goto  advance, Instead of we will evaluate you over several trackdays and let you know. Thats BS. I found myself dodge around intermediate riders and have to ruin session because of it or come up on a CR. The CR thing isnt a bad idea it just racers trying to log tracktime should have to deal with that.

Garth, istead of coming on here being a asshole, you should have just posted a congratulations to your group members for there effort, Instead of putting it up there like you did.

Could someone please translate this into any form of understandable communication?   I think my six year old niece has better written communication skills and she really loves crayons.    :lmao:



Quote from: Helmsman on July 17, 2007, 11:20:19 PM
What was the point of this thread?  Just wondering.

I think it was that you need a big paddock to make space for all the NESBA peoples heads?


NFC Racin',Woodcraft, Pitbull,M4, SUDCO,Bridgestone
WERA #13

Woofentino Pugrossi

CCS MW#14 EX, ASRA #141
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