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2010 Racing Season

Started by RuschRacing23, March 21, 2010, 03:29:50 PM

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You got prayers coming from me, bro. It's one thing to have the courage admit this, and a whole other thing to come forward and admit it to your peers. 

Keep praying, and know your prayers are strengthened by others in Christ.

Much respect,
#730 CCS MW/GP
Pursuit Racing, The Backstopper's Org. - St. Louis, MO.
King Edward's Chicken and Fish- St. Louis, MO.


Good luck brother - I'm not a religious man but I can respect anyone wit hthe stones to publicly admit they have a problem they want to solve and do something about it.  See you down at BHF this year and hope to see you out racing again soon.


This to will pass and make you a stronger person. Hang in there and I will see you at the track.
Rodney LeQuia

Biggs Motorsports  RCR Kawasaki  SBS Vortex  Conti
Lithum Motorsports


Am I the only one that has a problem with someone kicking him out for something so minor? I know nothing of CSB but the idea that smoking weed makes you a bad guy or unfit to ride for them is ridiculous. I'm usually annoyed by having someone preach to us at the rider's meeting but deal with it, now I seriously dislike them.

To the OP, do you really think smoking pot is wrong? What made you decide this? I think your god would be totally fine with having a good time as long as it's not hurting anyone else. Where is the harm?

It's all the self-righteous religious types that came up with the idea that it was wrong. I say keep doing it if it makes you happy and keep racing if it makes you happy, don't let someone else convince you that you're doing something wrong.


I dont know eddie's situation wtih CSBracing but if you think of it from simply a "business" standpoint I can see where they would not appreciate his actions.  He is a representative of their organization, and apparently the use of illegal drugs is something they do not want represented.

I would imagine if he is racing their equipment, he has an obligation to hold himself to their standards...whatever they are, plain and simple.  If he was riding his own equipment., well I dont think we would be having this discussion.

Again I dont know what his agreement or arrangement is, but for example:  if I had a race team and my rider was kicking puppies in his free time, I would boot him off.  With Ed being "suspended" it\ seems like they have given him time to reflect on his decisions, whats important to him, and ultimately he will make the decision what path he wants to travel.   

regardless, its a decision that his team made and came from (pardon the pun) higher up.

Perhaps a public apology is the first step towards him making things right with his team... one thing I've heard about Christians is they are forgiving...

Hope to see you out there Ed


2010 Sponsors: Lithium Motorsports, Probst Brothers Racing, Suspension Solutions, Pirelli, SBS, Vortex

"It is incredible what a rider filled with irrational desire can accomplish"


#730 CCS MW/GP
Pursuit Racing, The Backstopper's Org. - St. Louis, MO.
King Edward's Chicken and Fish- St. Louis, MO.


I'm not a religious man, spiritual yes, but religious no.  That being said, I was raised in a Christian household in the Bible belt of Texas and am very familiar with the Bible and many of its teachings.

My question to the Christian folks on this board is this:  Didn't God "say" in the Book of Genesis that He created all the plants and animals of the Earth for man to use?

And in the almost two thousand years since the Book of Genesis first appeared, it's only been in the last fifty years or so that marijuana has suddenly been made illegal by some countries, a situation that is changing as I type (much like prohibition in the early part of this century).

So how is it that marijuana suddenly isn't in "God's plan" when He created it thousands of years ago, and gave it to His children to use responsibly  (along with all the other plants and animals He created)?
Bridgestone Vendor and Midwest Trackside Support Team
Complete  Race and Track bike preparations, modifications, and repairs


And don't misunderstand me, I totally get why a Team owner would suspend or fire an employee for breaking the law.  That's not  what I'm questioning.
Bridgestone Vendor and Midwest Trackside Support Team
Complete  Race and Track bike preparations, modifications, and repairs


Quote from: R1Racer99 on March 25, 2010, 05:12:07 AM
Am I the only one that has a problem with someone kicking him out for something so minor? 

rubs me the wrong way too. for this it seems forgiveness is in order ...we'll see   
Lithium Motorsports
Suspension Solutions

Team Spalding

Took some guts to say it on this site Ed.

I get why he is suspended from the team. Maybe Don is doing you a favor Ed. Racing is more addictive, dangerous and expensive than most drugs. If I decided to sit around and do bongs instead of racing I would have a lot more money and I would have less broken bones and ground down fingers.
Joel Spalding
CCS & ASRA #36

Sponsors: Michelin, Ducati Of Indy, Wife Cindy, Held Gloves, Southeast Sales.


the bible also says not to use drugs, and to not do a lot of other things which seem fun on the surface but imprison and destroy people, also if you're not a believer the bible won't make much sense to you, in fact it will seem like foolishness to you(it says that too)  i don't want to type a bunch but the short of it is if you represent or teach you keep your household "in order". it seems to me that CSB is just going "by the Book"
Mike #829EX
Madison Sportbikes Racing


 "the book" does cover forgiveness and redemption too.
Lithium Motorsports
Suspension Solutions