
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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BHF to a 1 day race sechdule for the rest of the year.

Started by Jason748, August 05, 2010, 11:02:02 PM

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Twilkinson.... this is not about comparing track time. It's about racing and not racing.

Trust me, the shorter time in a race will teach you more than double the time during a track day. Control riders are just that control riders, they are not instructors. Unless you are attending a school.

You can ride around all day at track days and not really learn anything, you are just riding around. Track time does not automatically convert to learning.

Get into some competition though and guess what? Your learning curve goes straight up. But, you won't know that until you try it will you?

And, you don't believe track days affect racing orgs?  Look at BHF alone 20 track days that I know of. That does not include private rentals by dealers, clubs etc.. Compare that to 5 race weekends.  Seems a lot of riders have the $$$ for track days but not  race weekends. You don't need to enter every race your bike is eligible for, just enter one race a weekend and see what happens to your riding skills. You also need to remember you are practicing with racers, not other track day riders on a race weekend.


Quote from: twilkinson3 on August 11, 2010, 10:52:06 AM
I think he was saying if the beginning of the season price is $200 and includes the license fee when we hit the prorated portion of the year it might help to prorate the portion that includes the license fee - I don't remember the class including a licese tho (but hey I'm old and it's been a couple years....)

Yeah, it includes a license, but I think there's already a built in discount. Interesting question though. Maybe Ricky can answer it.

Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".


Gordy, I agree that racing improves your skills and can teach you a lot about riding. However, trackdays aren't going away, so there's going to need to be a different business and marketing model to attract new riders into the sport.

Obviously the money is out there, or people wouldn't be riding at all. Right now, Blackhawk is doing a stellar job of promoting their track day events. If CCS (and other racing series) is to survive, they are going to have to listen to others (as you've said in the past), to find out what the racers want from a weekend and perhaps find new strategies to attract riders into the racing community.

We've got a new economy we're dealing with and as racers tend to turn over every 2-3 years, it may take a while to rebuild the rider base to sustainable levels. 
Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".


Quote from: spyderchick on August 11, 2010, 11:14:54 AM
Yeah, it includes a license, but I think there's already a built in discount. Interesting question though. Maybe Ricky can answer it.

Correct.  That is what I am asking.  :)

I'm not looking to stir the pot on this forum.  Instead I am just trying to give an outsiders perspective of a track day rider looking at doing some racing soon.  The ideas thrown around about having a new racers class to enter is intriguing.  From looking around at other organizations, several of them offer a class like this for new guys/gals.

Hopefully I will meet more of the people on here soon.


Oh I'm with you on that weggie, I can speak from personal experience on the race and get faster big time front - the clock bit was a reference to I'd go racing over track days every time - probably could have been clearer

I think Alexa said what I was trying to get at better so...what she said


Quote from: ChitownNexus on August 11, 2010, 02:48:47 PM
Correct.  That is what I am asking.  :)

I'm not looking to stir the pot on this forum.  Instead I am just trying to give an outsiders perspective of a track day rider looking at doing some racing soon.  The ideas thrown around about having a new racers class to enter is intriguing.  From looking around at other organizations, several of them offer a class like this for new guys/gals.

Hopefully I will meet more of the people on here soon.

We could use a little pot stirring every now and again.  :biggrin:

C'mon out to Blackhawk the weekend of the 21st/22nd. You can meet a lot of regulars at the Red Flag Fund Auction Saturday night, including a bunch on the forum. You might even find some stuff at the auction that you'll need to go racing!
Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".

Burt Munro

So the snowball of financial impact keeps rolling and growing.....

Got confirmation today that I'm only needed by CCS for Sunday's race day with the 1 day schedule.  Not a big deal if I lived closer to Blackhawk.  5 1/2 hrs away makes it a tough call and a financial loser.

May make it tougher to find people to help run races if people can't cover their costs to get to the track and I already camp to keep the cost down.  Not crying about it - just stating the economic facts of the current race environment.
Founding member of the 10,000+ smite club.  Ask me how you can join!


Almost seems like you make the racing a track day and the track day a race.... Less racing, but better payout, and more track riding for those not wanting to race. If you can't beat the track days, join them, but put on show while you are doing it for those who want to race.  A track day/racing event where the race is kind of a show for the track day people and regular spectators. 

I don't know. Just thinking out loud.


so add to the list a "we like burt" fund...and so the races keep running smoothly...a cornerworker fund, etc etc

so ok now I'm getting depressed, I'm on year 2 racing wise...really want there to be a year 3.....and 4...and....

Super Dave

Quote from: motomaniac on August 11, 2010, 08:00:13 PM
Almost seems like you make the racing a track day and the track day a race.... Less racing, but better payout, and more track riding for those not wanting to race. If you can't beat the track days, join them, but put on show while you are doing it for those who want to race.  A track day/racing event where the race is kind of a show for the track day people and regular spectators. 

I don't know. Just thinking out loud.
Yeah, that was might thought some time ago on a three tier system.  You're covering two.  The third tier would be to bring in the honestly new riders into racing with a limited opportunity rather than placing them in the current "amateur" crowd with control riders and track day guys and five year amateurs with ten years of experience at a track. 
Super Dave


Midwest ccs #69
asra #69
ama #66


Brian, please explain your statement.

I'm not saying track days are the sole problem but they certainly add to it to a high degree.

Economy is at fault also but how does that explain the track days? There are guys out there riding at nearly every track day. Add that up and I think you'll find it costs more expensive than 5 race weekends.