
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Paging CCS Moderator!

Started by amaner, May 31, 2002, 10:58:46 AM

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Just wondering what the expected turn around time will be on the plastic licenses...  I licensed at the April 13-14 VIR round, and have yet to receive a "hard copy" of my license.
Thanks in advance.


I applied for mine the first part of March. Have'nt seen it yet.


I applied early March and just got it a couple of weeks ago so figure on a couple of months.


If you have not received your hard card licenses for NRRS or CCS, please call 817-332-4822 and ask for either Nancy Selleck (NRRS) or Tiffany Ingram (CCS).  The normal timeframe is about 30 days.