
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Clarification needed...

Started by 1fastmofo, July 09, 2003, 08:22:02 AM

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Hey guys,

I have a question for you all, since this wasn't really made clear during race school. If you run off in a corner, you may resume racing without getting retech'ed. Correct?

Now if you lowside, run over to the bike and pick it back up, a visual inspections shows that everything is ok, what do you do? We were told to report to the nearest corner worker. So what happens then? Do they check out the bike and send you back out? When they do can you continue racing or do you have to go to the pit lane and retech?

Please shed some light on this one for me. Thanks!  ;)


The corner worker will generally find you, and you can resume provided you're not leaking fluid or dangling important bits.
Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".

Eric Kelcher

run off: get back on track safely and continue racing

Handle bar hits ground: proceed off track to nearest corner worker stand (do NOT go counter race to get to one!) CW will look over bike and report to control that you are okay to proceed. If your bike is covered in mud, leaking fluids or has broken components then you would not be allowed back on track. you then should have bike checked in tech to be sure it is in raceable condition again.
Eric Kelcher
ASRA/CCS Director of Competition


all of the above are correct

but if u run off course and want to get back on look for the nearest CW.. ( they will signal a hole for u to get back on safely.. they will alos cover u with a standing yellow to let the faster guys comming now u are there and moving slow until u get back up to race speed



Thanks for the replies guys, that's what I figured. It makes sense. You guys rock!  ;D


So I crashed (low side) on turn 7 @ the 32nd lap during the team challenge race @ VIR this july. No parts were hanging but I did lose my front brake lever and cracked my wind screen. The corner worker that came to me wasn't very bright and had a difficult time articulating the situation. I wouldn't even think that he had the capacity to identify parts (I'm not trying to point fingers or discriminate). We picked up the bike and he asked me if I wanted to go back out... I was still in a state of confusion (seeing stars). So I asked for the crash truck. We got back to cold pit and did some repairs and got back in the race finishing in 6th (last).

My fellow more experienced team mates said that I should have rode the bike back on the track w/o a working front brake and pitted in.
I feel confused and and half disapointed for not knowing what to do.
What would be the correct action? crash truck, or get back on the track?
Krishna A. Pribadi
CCS #707


QuoteMy fellow more experienced team mates said that I should have rode the bike back on the track w/o a working front brake and pitted in.
I feel confused and and half disapointed for not knowing what to do.
What would be the correct action? crash truck, or get back on the track?

Himm.....  Here's my opinion for what it's worth (maybe $.02, maybe none).

You were seeing stars at the time...  it's no time to judge the cornerworkers ability to identify bike parts at the time.  Chances are he has seen worse crashes than yours and have had the rider pick up the bike and continue on to the pits.

Your front brake wasn't working.  If you got back on the track (which I have seen others do), you would have had to crawl back to the pits realizing that all you had was a back brake.  Sure, it would have been a really slow trip back to the pits, but a quicker one than waiting for the crash truck.

However the most important thing in your post was:
QuoteI was still in a state of confusion (seeing stars).
Thank goodness you recognized this and called for the crash truck.

One may say why didn't the corner worker recognize this?  Everyone is different.  Paul crashed once and rung his head pretty good.  He was still functioning, but unless you really knew him, you wouldn't have known anything was wrong.

Dawn   :)


Quote Paul crashed once and rung his head pretty good.  He was still functioning, but unless you really knew him, you wouldn't have known anything was wrong.

Dawn   :)
I was wondering what was wrong with him. ;D


QuoteI was wondering what was wrong with him. ;D

I'll tell him you were concerned.....  LOL!!!!

Dawn   :D


Personally, Now, If I get off, I'm done. Sounds illhearted but I found out I'm pumped beyond rational thought while racing and crashing pumps it up more. I hit oil and slid into the gravel on the last lap at Pocono last year. I jumped up and in my mind I still had a chance to get the guy I was chasing. Thankfully the cornerworker had sence to physicaly hold me back till I came down from the rush. Corner workers rock. They protect us from ourselves.